Simplify bureaucracies without leaving the SAP® Business One

Through the TaxPlus tax module, it is possible to comply with, consolidate and transmit tax obligations nationwide, all in an automated and secure manner, natively integrated with SAP® Business One.

Speed up the compliance with tax obligations it is possible!

TaxPlus is the ideal solution to simplify tax processes, increase team performance and operational scalability.

Meet the feature details

Our tax solution is complete to generate even more value for businesses!


Issuance of tax books and obligations (principal and accessory)

TaxPlus DF-e

Automatic validation of tax documents

TaxPlus MODEL 21/22

Control of invoices for communication and telecommunications

TaxPlus GNRE

Generation of GNRE guides from any state in Brazil

TaxPlus NF-e

Automatic and efficient management of electronic invoices

TaxPlus NFS-e

Management of personalized electronic service invoices by municipality

TaxPlus NFC-e

Issuance of tax receipts

TaxPlus MDF-e

Document management for the transportation of goods or merchandise covered by more than one NF-e

TaxPlus Reinf

Sending employment information in accordance with e-Social

TaxPlus CT-e

Issuance and signing of all documentation relating to transport activities.

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